Tag: search marketing

March 22, 2011 B.J. Kharrazi

Google’s SEO expert and spokesperson, Matt Cutts, was asked: “If you were an in-house SEO of an advanced level, within a large corporation, what 3 things would you make sure you had included in your 2011 strategy?” Matt’s advice applies equally to virtually any small business pushing it’s Internet presence.

August 8, 2010 B.J. Kharrazi

Matt Cutts works for the Search Quality group in Google, specializing in search engine optimization issues. He is well known in the SEO community for enforcing the Google Webmaster Guidelines and cracking down on abusive SEO practices. Cutts also advises the public on how to get better website visibility in Google. Matt Cutts joined Google more »

April 21, 2010 B.J. Kharrazi

Google Places is designed for business owners. The tool allows entrepreneurs to create a listing for their business containing their company’s address, a brief description of the markets in which it operates, their company’s website, and more.